
Monday, February 05, 2007

It's BEEN a long long long long long long long long time ever since i blogged... hello and hi to everyone i am back.. I've been very very busy with my house.. yes! i moved to hougang... it's been 2 weeks already.. actually i prefer my old place in terms of accessibility but in terms of cleanliness i prefer hougang.. I'll upload pictures when i take pictures of my houses... at the moment i would like to update what ever i did for the past few months..

OK first good news.. i would like to congratulate SYS for passing his driving test and he got his licence!! WOOOooOWooooo yeah!!! I drink YOU DRIVE!!!!! we got a new driver!!!!
Next raymond got himself a new car~~~a CIVIC~~~~~~!!! WeeeWeeee~~!!!good news~~

His car and mine-----

cool uh...

i miss all u guys..
anyway that's all for now.. i'll blog more next time
i love mom
i love sher
i love pansy
i love sys
i love jack
i love ray
i love nd
i love myself
jermaine aka GdLuckNvFadeXXXGoodness
GdLuckNvFadeXXXGoodness(Super Duper Super Power)


  • At 8:43 AM, Blogger jive. said…


    wait a min,
    that pic looks awfully familiar.
    where did we took it?


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