
Friday, July 14, 2006

Today is monday~~ on saturday i had my duty at bishan fire station, it's kinda of eye opening for me. i had a fire call in the afternoon, i got really nervous. i din know what to do. i quickly grabbed my fire suit and jumped in to the fire engine, when we got to the fire site, the fire was already extinguished... wOhhhh... it was at toa payoh.. so we went back. i din get to sleep for 24 hrs i afraid i might miss a fire call. if we missed a fire call... we will get punish.. real seriously.. ok so i endure till almost 10 in the morning than.. i quickly rush back home and sleep. guess what time did i woke up??????? 8 in the evening!!!! really damn tired... anyway.. now i am going to upload some old pic..

tis is me!!! finally i did not close my eyes.

<<<<<< href="">

technology is really very advance now... even tattooooooooooooo also can cut and paste... like real??

Nd and his bike, he looks a stick on the bike... oh my...

or was it his bike? i think he anyhow pushes one bike and took a photo and wanted to know how he look like when he get his bike??

anyway no difference... tis bike and his bike is identical..

or was it his bike??? i could not remember...

shit... acting cool in my car... really suck!!!! u might think that i am jealous! ok yes i am... nice pic la!!! nice pic la!! have to admit la!!!

Needless to say...... MY BRO.. shermen foo puching. he's hot! cute right? not attached yet!! come girls... come on.. dun be scared..

tis photo is taken during my b-day......... last 2 years? 3 years ago? why am i holding an ang pow? it's jackson who gave it to me
BESIDE ME!! haha the way jackson smile... hahahahahahahahahah anyway sorry jackson..

Sys and his sis..... look a like uh? they look like SiStaZ.. haha sorry sys.... really look like girl...

ok that's all folks... enough for now.. next page i'll gonna upload me and my gf photos.. yeah~~

jermaine foo aka GdLuckNvFadeXXXGoodness ( Maximum Power)

Love you all!!!!


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